Session 3

The Role of Philanthropy and Private, Non-Profit Organizations in Peace Promotion

In the midst of an unpredictable global landscape, Asia is striving for sustainable growth and enhanced well-being. Conflict prevention and the promotion of enduring peace have become paramount in this pursuit. Alongside governments and intergovernmental bodies, private non-profit organizations have emerged as influential catalysts in shaping the trajectory of peacebuilding efforts in the region.

This panel discussion explores the distinctive and indispensable roles that private, non-profit organizations play in the Asian context. These organizations possess unparalleled strengths and flexibility, enabling them to effectively address the specific needs and challenges of the region. They have the capacity to access regions and communities that often elude traditional actors, offering innovative solutions tailored to Asia's unique cultural and social dynamics.

In this panel, esteemed experts from diverse backgrounds convene to delve into the multifaceted contributions of private non-profit organizations in conflict prevention and peace promotion within Asia. With a strong emphasis on fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) within their initiatives, the discussion will illuminate how embracing diversity, promoting equity, and fostering inclusion enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of peacebuilding endeavors.


  • Mr. Masato Seko

    Senior Director, Global Issues Division, The Nippon Foundation

    Masato Seko is the Senior Director for International Programs at the Nippon Foundation. He oversees initiatives related to public health, including efforts to eliminate leprosy, intellectual dialogues addressing global and regional issues, and various programs focused on human resource and leadership development. Prior to his role at the Nippon Foundation, Masato worked with The Japan Center for Preventive Diplomacy, a Japanese NGO that promoted peace mediation in Sri Lanka during the conflict between the Sri Lankan government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. Later, he joined the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, where he served as a Program Officer for the Asia Pacific region, focusing on peace promotion, conflict transformation, non-traditional security, and international migration.


  • Mr. James Chan

    Senior Director, Temasek Foundation

    James joined Temasek Foundation in 2017. Temasek Foundation aims to identify areas of community needs in and outside of Singapore, spearhead programmes to pilot solutions; and deliver impact for planet, people, peace and progress.

    Since 2017, James has taken on various roles in Temasek Foundation including organisational planning and development, programme finance, programme development and management. In his current role, James leads a team to develop programmes, in collaboration with various partners, to foster cohesion and to uplift lives across generations.

    James holds a Bachelor of Social Science with Second Class (Upper) Honours from the National University of Singapore and a Master of International Studies from the University of Sydney.

  • Ms. Akiko Horiba

    Senior Program Officer, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation

    Dr. Akiko HORIBA is a Senior Program Officer of Peacebuilding Program at The Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF) with a focus on projects of peace mediation support in Southern Thailand, promoting the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda, and deradicalization in Asia. She is also a lecturer at Tokyo Institute of Technology and Hosei University. She is a board member of Japan Platform, an international emergency humanitarian aid organization. She received a doctorate in Area Studies from Sophia University, in Tokyo, Japan. Her research interests encompass Conflict Analysis, Peacebuilding, and Southeast Asia Politics.

  • Rev Most Venerable Gallahapitiye Permarathana

    Chairman, Sevalanka Foundation Guarantee Limited (Sri Lanka)

    Most Respected, Venerable Hon, Dr, Gallehepitiye Pemaratana Thero
    Right Reverend, Chief Incumbent (Viharadhikari) of Ancient Temple " Sri Miyugunarama Raja Maha Viharaya, in Kurunegala, Srilanka.
    Chief Incumbent (Viharadhipathi) of Srilanka Maha Viharaya, Lumbini City, Nepal.
    Honarary Professor of Emiretus ( Mahodpyaya) in Bushist Studies and Decipline Chairperson of Inter Religious and Peace Conference.
    Presidential's spiritual Advisor.(Srilanka)
    Honorable Chairman - Sevalanka Foundation Guarantee Limited (Srilanka)

  • Dr. Yosuke Nagai

    Founder and CEO, Accept International

    Dr. Yosuke Nagai is the founder and CEO of Accept International. Since the establishment of Accept International in 2011, he has mainly been active in implementing deradicalization and reintegration programs for defectors, prisoners, and detainees of violent extremist groups in Somalia, Yemen, Kenya, and Indonesia. He has also conducted various outreach programs on the front lines for voluntary defections from such groups and sensitization programs for community-based reconciliation, even in areas of active conflict. Through the social impacts he made and high experience in the field, he serves as members of expert meetings and technical working groups in UN agencies. He holds a PhD in Social Science from the Waseda University, and a Masters degree in Conflict Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science.